Is the power cord for your air conditioner damaged or frayed? Don’t risk electrical hazards – try these simple steps to repair or replace the AC adapter cord safely.

Inspect the Cord Closely

Check the entire length of the cord for any cuts, frays, kinks or exposed wiring. Note where the damage is located.

Cut Out Damaged Section

If the cord is just nicked or frayed in one area, you can cut out that damaged section with a utility knife.

Splice and Join Cords

Use approved electrical tape or heat-shrink tubing to splice and rejoin the two ends of the cut cord securely.

Replace Cord End Plugs

If the cord damage is near the plug end, it’s safer to cut off the entire plug and replace it with a new one matching outlet specs.

Use a Cord Extension

For a quick fix, you can also join the AC cord to an approved extension cord of the same rating using proper connectors.

When to Replace Entire Cord

If the cord is damaged at multiple spots or the appliance end, it’s best to simply replace the full AC power cord.

Call for Professional AC Services

For a permanent solution or complex cord repairs on window or split ACs, it’s advisable to get professional AC repair services in Noida.

Our skilled technicians can safely replace power cords and also provide yearly AC maintenance services to prevent future electrical hazards.

Don’t risk shocks! Call our experts at 9053944987 to securely repair or replace your AC adapter cord today.